Hello and welcome to Autumn VanBriggle's website.
This website contains links to different projects I completed in my web design class at Washington High School during the 2006-07 school year. The programs that we have used are Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Windows Movie Maker, and Lumiere Video Studio.

My Website page is about the "Common Ground Teen Center". This was assembled in Dreamweaver and the graphics were made in Fireworks.

The Planets page was made in Dreamweaver using javascript. It is able to calculate weight on any planet, the Moon, or the Sun two different ways. The first will calculate all ten at once, the second will calculate each individually.

I made three flash animations. The first is a animation of my friends, the second is a picture tour of my family, the third is a drag and drop picture puzzle.

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The Ecommerce page is a "bookstore" made in Fireworks and Dreamweaver.

The video that I made is an infomercial. It is advertising the Smith School of Design. My friend and I starred in the video and there are several still pictures of other friends