Mr. Joe Nicolella is the person in charge and who runs the National Honor Society (NHS) program at Wash High. He just started running NHS this year, taking over for Mr. Tiano who was in charge last year. Mr. Nicolella makes sure everything runs smoothly and lets members know of community service events that are coming up.
To stay in NHS members must fulfill a certain quota of hours. The first year the members got inaugurated they had to achieve the goal of four community hours. If a member did not complete this task then those unaccomplished hours would roll over to their next school year. This is all controlled and overseen by Mr. Nicolella.
Apart from running the NHS program, he is also Wash High's Athletic Director. He absorbed this position after Mr. Faust retired. He has been the athletic director for 6 years. Before this He taught an English class as well. He was the AP English teacher up until recent years.

Dr. DiLorenzo escorting inductors

Principal Kostelnik walking into induction night