Prexie Pride Celebration
In charge of this event will be Mr. Campbell, who will direct students to places of needed work. Members will be expected to arrive at approximately 5:15PM to start putting together the celebration.
Members are expected to help show upcoming high school and junior high school students around the building. Members must report to Principal Kostelnik or Vice Principal Henderson for job duties. For 9th grade orientation on August 20th should arrive at 5PM for job assignment and those orientating 7th graders should arrive at 6:30PM.
Friday Football Game Volunteers Needed
More volunteers needed to help with Friday Night Lights. There will be tables that'll be selling off Prexie attire for fundraisers and other miscellaneous items.
Domestic Violence Awareness
Our main fall campaign involves volunteer work and collection of donations for the Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA (DVSSP), formerly the Washington Women's Shelter. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVA), however, because Homecoming and Senior Recognition are in October, we will be recognizing DVA month at the September 25th football game.
At the game, the DVSSP sets up a table with literature, sells No More t-shirts, and the football team and any other male fall athletes who are in attendance present a representative from the DVSSP with an over-sized dating pledge signed by them, and assisting me in that evenings preparation (Thursday before the game and during the game).
Parking Signs Project
A second fall project this year involves removing, cleaning, re-painting, and installing the reserved parking signs in the small lot in front of the school. Tentatively the 26th and 27th are being targeted as potential weekend days for this project.
County Food Bank Bagging
On October 6th members will be helping out with a food bank in our local community. This takes place between 10AM up until 12PM. Members will be helping bagging food goods to help feed the hungry and less fortunate.
Food Drive
This food drive will be assembled for the benefit of Wash High. Members are expected to help run the event as well as making a donation. All types of food goods are welcome. This event will take place in November on a day that is yet to be announced.
Presbyterian Senior Care
This event will take place at the Presbyterian Senior Care Center. Members will be giving some of their time to the Senior citizens of Washington. When they are there, they are free to spend their time with the seniors as they please (read to them, play board games or cards, etc...). This event will take place sometime in December.
Junior Achievement
Members will be teaching 2nd graders a certain class that was previously assigned to them by Mrs. Montecalvo. She will teach that member about the class on a prior date and then the member will share what they learned with the class of 2nd graders. This event will take place on a future date in January.