(The Scout Oath)

On My Honor,

I Will Do My Best,

To Do My Duty,

To God And My Country,

& To Obey The Scout Law,

& To Help Other People At All Times,

& To Keep Myself Physically Strong,

Mentally Awake,

& Morally Straight!


Be Prepared.

(Scout Motto)

Pictures will go here...



The Boy Scouts of America (or B.S.A.) has been around since the turn of the 20th century when a man named Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell realized that his men (along with many others) had not been taught nor had any experience let alone much knowledge concerning First Aid, or how to start fires from their surroundings, nor other general survival skills.

So he wrote the book called "Aid of Scouting" and became famous for it. Little boys would play scouting games which encouraged him to gather a small group of boys together and teach them scouting activities.

He then wrote the book "Scouting for Boys" and since then, the whole scouting concept grew. Ernest Seton had made some additions to it to get the book many people use today.

One day, a Mormon traveler got lost at a train station. A young boy came and showed him the fastest way to his destination, and was even in a cheery mood while doing so, unlike most people he had met. When he offered money in return for the assistance the boy declined. After asking why, he discovered that this was just the beginning of many deeds the boy, like all the others in his troop, had performed.

It impressed him so much that he brought his entire church's youth to a B.S.A. meeting. Since then it has been over 100 YEARS since the Mormon Church joined B.S.A. I know because in 2014, I attended the 100 YEARS OF SCOUTING ceremony. It was just projected but it still counts. So if you ever notice a large number of Mormon scouts, that's why. They tend to go hand-in-hand.

Scouting was originally generally intended to teach boys survival skills. But now scouting is not only all about survival skills, it also targets amusement and character traits.

It has greatly helped me find trustworthy friends in my childhood. Although you can,t get many badges or things like that above the age of 18, it's very...no EXTREMELY fun as well.

By Jonathan Tyson Mish.









Camp Outs



Troop 108


