(The Scout Oath)

On My Honor,

I Will Do My Best,

To Do My Duty,

To God And My Country,

& To Obey The Scout Law,

& To Help Other People At All Times,

& To Keep Myself Physically Strong,

Mentally Awake,

& Morally Straight!


Be Prepared.

(Scout Motto)

Pictures will go here...


Badges & Awards

If you've ever heard people talking about Scouting, then you've probably heard of 2 things. The 1st is camp outs, & the 2nd is probably about the badges they have earned, are working on, &/or have heard of.

There are many badges in scouting. They are rewarded to people who complete accomplishments that meet the badge's requirements. Some examples are First Aid, which trains you in, you guessed it, First Aid skills. Swimming, which is required for other water related badges like Kayaking, Canoeing, & Fishing.

There are 7 different Rank Badges in scouting. Well, actually 8. There is Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, & Eagle. Each of these requires there own requirements including the previous ranked badges. There is also a badge called Eagle Palm but you can get it more than once so I personally don't think it matters that much. It's meant for those who already have the Eagle Badge so it does get earned occasionally. Most people I've met value it like all badges.

In scouting there is an award called the Eagle Scout Badge. This is awarded to scouts who accomplish extraordinary achievements. Every scout strives to achieve it! Those that do are wonderful people. Some of the badges that the Eagle Rank Badge requires includes; several optional badges of your choice, First Aid, Climbing, Orienteering, Swimming, Citizenship in the Nation, Railroading, Emergency Preparedness, Camping, Etc. Since you need to accomplish tons of things including the different ranks to earn the highest of honored badges, (Eagle Rank.) we accomplish as much as possible. Doing as many projects as possible, (Preferably service projects more often than others.) doing a good turn daily, being prepared, & having fun, we scouts almost always have a good while scouting.

Even though you have to be a teenager, (Meaning you can't be a BOY scout after the age of 18 years old.) you don't have to have any badges, uniforms, or even attendance of scouting, to be a true scout. Also consider becoming a scout leader. Just because you may not have earned much while in scouting, or never participated or don't have much recollection of your scouting years doesn't mean you can't strive to be a scout leader & help others to attain Eagle Rank &/or close to. As I've seen in my experiences, it's a learning experience for everyone, even my scout leaders. You could also learn the material yourself with the scouts &/or ahead of time. Live your everyday life like a scout & do these kinds of activities on your own if you want.

Leave every area you go better than you found it, follow the Scout Oath, (It helps.) be prepared, have fun, & do your good turn daily, you will live an awesome life. Oh, & don't think it a necessity at all to participate in the religious side of it. That's completely, & in every way, entirely up to your beliefs.

By Jonathan Tyson Mish.









Camp Outs



Troop 108


