







Batter A team sends one person out to bat at a time. The game begins with the batter hitting the ball and then dropping the bat and running to first base before the ball.
Pitcher The pitcher throws the ball from the pitchers mound. You must stand on the pitchers rubber with both feet. Height is an advantage for pitchers as well as upper body agility and strength
Catcher Crouched behind the home plate, the catcher plays a big role in helping the team gain points. a catcher must also call piyches a communicate the number of outs, strike, and whatevever else is going on in the game.
First Basemen The first baseman of each team will stand at the first base, to the right of the pitcher. They willl catch throws at first base in order to prevent the other team from scoring
Second basemen Second basemen will be at the second base. Second basemen will catch balls at second base and help the first baseme or even throw to the pitcher tto elimainate a opponent.
Shortstop Responsible for balls that end up in that area. Most balls actually do end up there. The shortstop has many responsibilities, which include, catching and fielding, and are very versatile and agile players. This tends to be the most difficult position on the field.

Third basemen The third basemen has to catch the balls that land around his or hers area. then they have their most important responsibilty - to throw the ball
Outfielders There are three outfielders. Their positions are called right fielder, center fielder, and left fielder. The outfielders are positioned outside the area marked by the four bases (infield square), with the right one standing closest to first base. Their job is to catch and throw balls that fly out of the infield, helping their teammates at the bases. Since they are so far away from the rest of the game, outfielders are usually strong throwers.