
CHS Calculus


CHS Calculus

CHS Calculus is a year long course in which you would gain 1 high school credit and 4 college credits upon passing. The class is currently taught by Siobhan Visser and is affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh. To sign up for this course you must first meet the Dual Enrollment qualifications as well as have passed Pre-Calculus with an 80% and passed the ALEKS Placement Test through the University of Pittsburgh with at least a 76%. This course is only available to seniors at WHS. WHS will cover the $225.00 cost associated with the course within restrictions listed in the CHS Policies and AP Agreement.

Course Description (as written by Washington School District)

"Calculus is a college-level course that follows all the criteria and syllabus offered at the University of Pittsburgh. This course is the first standard course in a basic calculus sequence required for all mathematics, science, engineering, and statistics students. Topics covered in this course include functions and graphs, limits, derivatives, trigonometric functions, application of the derivative, integrals, applications of integrals, and exponential and logarithmic funcitons. Students will be required to enroll in the College in High School/Dual Enrollment Program through the Univerity of Pittsburgh where they will receive four (4) college credits for their efforts of earning a C– average or higher."

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