







Movie Program:
In this program you type in your age and the program tells you what age group you fall into.

Prom Program:
In this program it calculates the amount it would cost on prom night.

Computer Program:
On this program you calculate the amount of all the items you need and want for a computer.

Lucky Seven Program:
This program was designed to be a game of luck. You type in the amount you wish to play with and evertime you get a seven you get money but everytime you don't your money value decreases.

Next Loop Program:
This program is an average program, you type in numbers and it tells you the average of all the numbers.

Next Loop Program2:
This program is the same as the first next loop program. It calculates the average but has a different look about it.

In this program you will type in the radius of the sphere and the program will calculate the surface area.

In this program you will type in the width, height, and length and the program will calculate the surface area of the box.

In this program you will insert the radius and the height and the program will calculate the surface area.