Who Tought Us the Best.





Our Course

Our Coaches.

Our head coach is Mr. Peton and our assistant coach is Mr. Podgurski. They did teach us the best of our game and they gave every effort to give us the best. Coach Peton taught me that even though my score isn't the best of all, he always asked me one question, "Hey Bryan! Did you have fun?" I would always reply "Yes it was the best I could do, Coach." This is why Mr. Peton taught us the best of the golfing game. That is to have fun every time you play golf. Although this is the last year for coach Peton, it was his best year yet to come.

Mr. Podgurski is a good coach as well. Although he couldn't make most of the matches, he still came to practices. Coach Podgurski taught us the basic rules of the game and he taught us to play it safe instead of going for the green in the woods. He gave us a chance to beat him in a scramble and we won. I don't know him well. It is to the best of my knowledge to say that he was a great coach too.