"The Odd Couple"The Female Version by Neil Simon.
A hilarious Contemporary comic classic. Instead of the poker party that starts the original one, Ms.Madison invites girls over for a evening of trival persuit. It is still just has hilarious as the first one.
` "Barefoot In The Park" By Neil Simon.
This play is about a newly married couple who had just moved into a new apartment which is not to their likings and has lots of problems. This play is a comedy.
"The Mousetrap" by Agatha Christie.
The Mousetrap is about a group of people who get stranded in a house during a snowstorm with a killer on the loose. While everyone questions each other, no one knows who did it.
"The Twelve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose.
"The Twelve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose. Adapted by Sherman L Sergel. Best on the Emmy Award- winning television movie by Reginold Rose is a play about 12 people who dicuss if a young boy did or did not kill his father.