

Girls Roster


Boys Roster




Favorite Memories























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Fun Fact: 180 days * 13 years * 7 hours = 16,380 hours spent in school

Our Class

Our Class Make-Up: 100
Males: 58
Females: 42

Sports Make-Up

Football: 16 seniors
Volleyball: 5 seniors
Cross Country: 5 seniors
Tennis: 4 seniors
Soccer: 5 seniors and Doodle (Mascot)
Cheerleading: 7 seniors
Band: 17 seniors
Other: 41 seniors

Alma Mater:

Washington we sing to you songs of highest praise.
Hail the dear old black and blue, ever all our days.
Fondest thoughts and memories 'oft come trooping by. Loyal students we will be of Old Wash High.




"Life is full of challenges. Embrace these challenges, overcome obstacles, aspire to greatness and change the world. Never fear failure, fear the regret of not trying."

-Dr. James Konrad





"It's senior year. Lets get nasty."

-Caitlyn Deems





"Can't wait for school to be over."

-Matthew Marasco






"It's our last year, lets have no regrets."

-Bradley Smith