Graphic Designing has 6 key points and they are:
The Lines - Line can be long, red, straight, thin, blue, dashed, short, or curved, they are all in the same category. They are used most of the time for delimitation between different sections of a design.
The Shapes - The shape is the second most used element of a graphic design.
The Textures - Texture styles include paper, stone, concrete, brick, fabric, and natural elements among flat or smooth colors. Even if they do not seems important, textures can change a web site and offer a different visual impact.
The Color - Color may be the most important element of a design because it offers the most powerful visual impact at a single glance. Color is obvious and does not need graphic skills to be noticed.
The Value - Value represents how dark or light a design is and has a lot to with the mood of the design too.
The Space - The space and how it is used is very important. "White space" (also known as negative space)has lately been being used, it allows the human eye to read easier. Having the negative space offers light and an open feeling.