






Washington High School band has been around for ages... The students in the band are always hard working and dedicated. The time and effort that these students put into learning new songs and new marches for parades and other events are unbelievable.

Throughout the year the students have plenty of performances. They have concerts, appearances at the high school football games, a performance at the county fair, and Kennywood band day.


We are ONE

The band includes instruments of all different types that are played individually. The concert band includes mostly percussionist or the drum line. We also hold a marching band which includes all the instruments in the musical program. The marching band appears at every home and away football games. Here at Washington High School we also have what is called the Steel Band which is for students that are truly dedicated. They stay after school to rehearse once marching band season is over.

Overall, here at Washington High School the band is not only a band, they're a family. Only truly dedicated students would put as much effort and time into their music as these students do.


Check out the bands appearances, and video clips on this website!