Visual basic





David's Programming Website  


Welcome to David's Programming Web Site! This site contains links to
various programming assignments that I completed for my Computer programming class at Washington High School during the 2004-2005 school year. These assignments were completed using the Visual Basic, java and JavaScript programming languages.

Visual Basic - The Visual basic languages allows you to create applications that look and behave like Windows programs. This link opens a single Visual basic program that uses command buttons to open ten different programming assignments.

Java - This modern high-level language also allows you to create Windows programs. the coding, however, is much more advanced than Visual Basic. Links to several of the more advanced programs that use a graphical user interface are provided. Links are also provided to a couple of Java programs that were converted to applets which can be viewed in a web browser.

JavaScript - This scripting language allows you to create interactive web sites. Four interactive web pages using forms and JavaScript were completed for this class.