Welcome to Jordan Easterbrook's website. This website is complied of all of the work I have done the past year in web design class using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash and Lumiere Video Studio.


BMX Website

This is an informational website about BMX biking. It was made using Macromedia Dreamweaver for the design and Macromedia Fireworks for the graphics.


Flash Animation

This page includes all the flash animations I did including an intro to my website, a history of the Legend of Zelda video game series and a drag and drop puzzle. All of these flash Animation's were created using Macromedia flash.



This is a little video I threw together with some old BMX footage. It was edited and captured using Lumiere Video Studio.



These pages were made in Macromedia Dreamweaver using javascript. It includes a sports census, an area calculator, a calculator for weights on different planets, and an E-Commerce site.