Computers and General Technology

Showcasing the Wonders of Technology

And the different kinds of careers to go with it

What's A Computer?

In very simple terms, The computer is a machine that is able to store information, and then process it. Computers use something called a binary system, which you may know as 1's and 0's to do pretty much everything. The binary system allows the computer to display information, store any type of data, and even calculating algorithms with just a 1 and a 0.

There are many different kinds of computers. There are laptops, PCs, and giant supercomputers that can weigh more than 300 tons. Even your smartphone is a computer.

Who invented this machine who can do almost anything? Well, there has been many credited individuals who made very early prototypes, which eventually led to the computer we know today. However, John Mauchly, a physicist, J. Presper Eckert, Jr., an engineer, and the people who worked beside them at PITT made the first digital computer, known as the ENIAC, or Electronic Numberical Integrator and Computer.

Fun Facts

Data Security Analysts

Data security analysts are the ones who protect businesses from the threat of cyberattacks, such as hackers and viruses. They make sure that their antivirus and other security programs are running properly.

Web Designer

A web designer is a very creative side of using technology. They plan out and create different elements of a website to make it look nicer and more professional. They also make the site more accessable to everybody.

Video Game Designer

One of the more fun and exciting jobs people look forward towards is game programming and designing. Putting your own ideas with characters and plot into a working game is something many kids and even adults dream of.

Why Computers?

Very simply, why NOT computers? Computers have very strong evidence behind positive influence in lives and working habits. Imagine having to make very long spreadsheets on paper, or calculating a bunch of math problems with only a handheld calculator, when you can just type the numbers on a search bar and get the answer! We've reached the point in our lives where people need to know how to use a computer for practically any job, or at least something electronical to help with the work day. That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface on a personal level on why computers are so important to a society.

Endless hours of entertainment on our computer screens has also improved people's state of mind, Though, countless hours on a computer screen isn't healthy, Using it in moderation makes things easier for people with things like paying bills and even something as simple as checking the weather allows more ease of mind, and positive thoughts. All of this can be completed on even the most basic of computers, so there's no need to worry about spending huge amounts of money to help ease your life.

Despite being around for over hundreds of years, New features and ideas are planted into the computer to this very day. One of the most notable is ChatGPT which is an AI that can produce many different and unique things and ideas. An example would be plot ideas for a story, or even as something as simple as hangman.

Parts of a Computer

While not all parts of a computer are necessary for it to work, There are many pieces inside and out that do many different things. This list is only a few of them:

  1. Mouse
  2. Keyboard
  3. Speakers
  4. Hard Drive
  5. Sound Card
  6. Processor
  7. Memory
  8. Motherboard
  9. Printer
  10. Bay
  11. Floppy Disc Drive
  12. Microphone
  13. And many others, There's many different parts that are custom, or optional. You decide what goes with your computer!

Unit Of Data How Much Data It Holds
Bit 1 Bit, Binary Digit, 1 or 0
Byte 8 Bits
Kilobyte 1 Thousand Bits
Megabyte 1 Million Bits
Gigabyte 1 Billion Bits
Terabyte 1 Trillion Bits