Welcome to the website of Ashlie Brice. This website contains links to different projects I completed in my Web Design class at Wash High during the 2006-2007 school year.
Prexie Performers Website
This is an informational website I made for the Wash high Prexie Performers. I made this site using Macromedia Dreamweaver and Macromedia Fireworks.
I made this video in Windows Movie Maker using pictures to make a movie of my life that includes pictures of my family, friends, and myself.
Flash Animation
This page includes the flash animations I made that include the history of the cartoon The Simpsons, and a drag and drop puzzle of the cartoon SpongeBob Squarepants.
These pages were done in Macromedia Dreamweaver using Javascript. It includes a page that I made up that sells amusement park rides,and Sports Census.
This page was also done in Macromedia Dreamweaver using Javascript. It includes a calculator in which you enter your weight and it will tell you how much you weigh on the different planets including the moon and sun.