Brady Ross (taken during senior year)

My name is Brady Ross and I am a senior at Washington High School. This page will help you learn more about me. If you have any further questions about me you can reach me at



Period Subject Teacher Room Number
1 Band Dayton BAND
2 Physics Strnisha 0203
3 CHS Calculus Visser 0304
4A Lunch Staff CAFE
4B World History Plassio 0213
5 Senior Study Hall Faber 0204
6 AP English LaQuatra 0405
7 Web Design (CHS) Costantino 0301
8 College Academy Teacher FCSX


The list of band activities I participate in are...

Band has always been a large part of my life ever since 5th grade. Since I have been in high school my commitment has greatly increased. From the numerous hours practicing in school, to the countless hours at home, band has taken up more of my life than any other activity I do.

The trumpet is my main instrument and my talent with it has enabled me to be hired for a few paid gigs. I also play lead pan in the Wash High Steel Drum Band. It's weird to think that after high school I may rarely ever play those instruments again even though they have been such a large part of my life.


  1. Soccer
  2. Tennis

This year, I was one of the two captains of the Wash High Soccer Team. From 7am practices in the freezing rain, to finally getting a win, the memories I have made with my fellow team-mates will last a lifetime.

Tennis has always been my favorite sport. Going to tennis practice is something that I will never get tired of. Entering my senior season, I will most likely be playing 2nd singles. Hopefully it will be a season full of fun memories and a lot of victories.

Future Plans

Following my high school graduation, I plan on enlisting in the Air National Guard. I will attend basic training during the summer along with tech school. After I return in the fall, I will attend college in 2017 at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I will be majoring in Criminology and possibly Psychology as well.

After completion of college I will seek employment in the field of criminal justice.

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