Meg's Trombones

Welcome to Meg's Trombones!

Hello. My name is Meg McGill and I have been playing the trombone for 7 years. I first began playing in the 5th grade in Mr. Cope's band class. I have always enjoyed the trombone, though it should be noted that not everyone has enjoyed listening to me play. The trombone is as strange an instrument as I am a person. This is why I believe us to be a perfect match. On my website, you will be able to learn all about trombones and what makes them a truly unique instrument.

What is the Trombone?

The trombone is a brass instrument. It is composed of three pieces which are the mouthpiece, the bell, and the slide. Notes are played by changing the player's embouchure and adjusting the slide to one of its seven positions. Some players prefer a valve trombone which does not use slide positions, but baritone fingerings to make music. The trombone is a classic instrument prevalent in orchestras, symphonic, marching, and jazz bands, as well as many other ensembles.

Trombone Slideshow

Please enjoy this slideshow of trombones and people playing them!