11 kemper Ave. *Lake Veiw, CO 80517* (303) 555-1012
Masters degree graduate intrested in a telecommunications position in the Denver or Bouler area. Highly skilled in the use of computers, audio/video equipment, and the uplink/donlink aspects of satellite communications. intrested in positions with a strong international component. Willing to travel.
Sattelite Technician (front Range Media Inc. 1993-1994): monitored satellite uplink/downlink procedures to assure quality video transmissions. Aided technicians with transmission problems, Assisted in the assembly and maintenence of uplink facility.
Technical Assistant (Mountain Veiw Bank 1992-1993): Managed data proccessing system. Handled user requests and discussed programming options. Managed delivery service.
Salesperson (Provided sales and customer support in computers and electronics. Managed commercial accounts in Mountain Veiw and Crabtree locations.
Contact Mary Taylor at mtaylor@csu.edu