Elijah's Home Page

Welcome to my home page. My name is Elijah Frazier and I am a student at Washington High School in Washington, Pennsylvania. I am in 11th grade and I'm a memeber of the Wash High Cross Country Team. I have different hobbies, that others might not find enjoyable. Being a Junior, having a job, and doing sports doesn't really give me too much time for myself.

My Hobbies

  1. Cross Country
  2. Eating
  3. Working at Solomon's
  4. Sleeping
  5. Hanging out with friends


I have been a member of the Wash High Cross Country since my Sophomore year making it my second year running. My older brother got me my job at Solomon's in June. I work as a dish washer but I'm training to be a greeter. Between school, work and cross country, all I have time to do is eat and sleep. I barely get to hangout with my friends until the season is over.

Favorite Web Sites

These are a few of my favorite web sites. I like these web sites because they are enjoyable and help me stay on top of my grades. When I get bored, I like to go on snakegame.net and playing a childhood game that I used to play. All of these websites are educational and help better your hand-eye coordination.

Thank you for visiting. If you wish to contact me, my email address is elijahf93@gmail.com