Title: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
Seurat used a painting method of tiny dots known as pointilism and was able to create brilliant colors, more powerful than standard brush strokes. This piece is commonly said to be apart of another painting in which the two social classes are enjoying the river from opposite sides.
Artist: Georges Seurat
$500,000 Quantity:
Dimensions: 6'10"x 10'1″
Title: Starry Night
Van Gogh's "Starry Night" is considered to be a masterpiece of color and emotion. The artist painted his view from his asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before the sunrise.
Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Price: $500,000,000 Quantity:
Dimensions: 2'5"x 3'0″ |
Title: Fuego Flores
Resembling the scribbles of a child and the paintings of ancient civilizations, Basquiat's "Fuego Flores", is a conglomerate of nervous, raw, emotional power.
Artist: Jean-Michel Basquiat
Price: $1,500,000 Quantity:
Dimensions: 5'6"x 4'9"
Title: The Persistance of Memory
Salvador Dali's paintings are often depicted as abstract works of art with hidden messages. This particular piece is thought to be about a dream the artist had.
Artist: Salvador Dali
Price: $2,500,000 Quantity:
Dimensions: 0'9"x 1'1″ |