London's Webpage

About Me

My name is London Bogden and I am a senior at Washington High School for the 2015-2016 school year. My future plans involve a bachelor’s degree in journalism with a focus on political science from American University in downtown Washington, D.C. I am involved in the marching band, percussion ensemble, the girls’ tennis team, prom committee, National Honor Society, student forum, student council, and academic league.

My aspirations include travelling and reporting world issues such as humanity crises to an unbiased news network (unlike Fox News). My dream job would be an overseas correspondent and be able to travel throughout the Middle East and Asia. My favorite classes include CHS Calculus, Advanced English 12, and CHS Web Design. I work a part time job on the weekends at Hallmark and use the rest of my weekend time to catch up on homework and study. Thanks for reading!

Favorite websites!

Most Influential People To Me

  1. Malala Yousafzai
  2. Barrack Obama
  3. Bernie Sanders
  4. Jean-Michel Basquiat
  5. Marsha P. Johnson

My Class Schedule

Period Class Room Teacher
1 Wind Ensemble 203 Dayton
2 Physics 210 Strnisha
3 CHS Calculus 304 Visser
4 World History 214 Plassio
5 AP Biology 203 Devenney
6 Advanced English 12 416 Hiles
7 CHS Web Design 309 Costantino
8 College Academy Staff Staff